EDI Modules

Edi Modules

Electro De-Ionization (EDI) is one of the most advanced technologies for ion exchange, designed to produce ultra-pure water continuously. It is a chemically free process that combines electricity with ion exchange resins to remove ions from water. EDI modules are primarily used as a post-treatment to Reverse Osmosis (RO) systems, enhancing the quality of water to meet the highest standards for industrial use.

Our EDI modules deliver high-efficiency deionization for producing ultra-pure water, making them ideal for applications in power plants, pharmaceutical industries, and advanced water treatment systems.

EDI Modules Key Applications:

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Power Plants which are used for the production of ultra-pure water needed in steam generation and cooling processes.

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Process Industry which ensures high-quality water for various manufacturing processes.

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Pharmaceutical Industry where ultra-pure water is required for product formulation and laboratory applications.